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A Science Fiction Book to Read

The publishing world can be hard, and most people today go with self-publishing their work. The following book "Icarus Falling" followed that path. From the blog site Parking Orbit Publishing, here are few statements about the process:
This last week the book proof for Icarus Falling  arrived for preview. . . Most of the edits are word choices, grammar errors, and missed paragraph indention. After the book proof has been read and adjusted then a more solid date of publication can be announced. 
 Layout is complete and with final editing still to be done.
After the book proof has been read and adjusted then a more solid date of publication can be announced. 
Because of unforeseen circumstances the release date has been temporarily postponed. This is to give a chance to improve on the customer satisfaction in the ordering processes. Changes will include how the product can be obtained, an easier check out process, and improvement to the text for an even better reading experience. An online book trailer and added online content is also in the works.
Icarus Falling was prepared almost entirely with open source software. . . Open Office . . . Scribus  . . . Gimp . . . Inkscape . . .  PDF Shuffler . . . In any event Amazon makes the process look very simple and it isn't really. At least if you want something that looks good and is easy to read.
 Of Course, that last statement is where NDM Writing Service can come in to help with the publishing process. Having already had experience getting a book ready for publication, it is a job that we can do for those needing the help.

You can also order the book at the Parking Orbit Publishing website or click the book cover to order directly at Amazon.

A simple video Youtube trailer was made for the book's release, but it is dated. Another one was created to update the feel and the acceptable quality:

Keep watching the skies! Don't forget to ask for NDM Writing Service for help with your writing and editing needs.

Online Reading and Comprehension Series

A new online learning series by NDM Writingservice is now available to follow. Enjoy the readings of classic English-language literature, and then listen to brief analysis. Each era and period of the literature will be explored over time, so make sure not to miss any installments.

Here are links to the first vidoes:

Writing Service for Blog and Business

Maybe you don’t have the time to complete a writing assignment. Perhaps you have to maintain a publication, but you can’t do it all alone. At other times the ideas are there, but you are not sure how to put it down for easy understanding or polished communication. For any number of reasons a person wants to hire a writer to create good content. There are two types of writers that might be required for hire. Depending on needs it might be good to pick one over the other, but be sure it is an appropriate decision.

Most authors like to have their names or bylines associated with the work done. This is to show others examples of their writing as evidence of how well they can do a project. Usually the byline choice of writer is when contributions are required to add to an already extensive catalog or magazine. Blogs need content and successful ones often have more than one author to give variety to a subject. No one person can cover all the possible angles or do all the writing, especially when large volume is needed.

Sometimes a person just needs help making sure their ideas are realized. They know what they want, but don’t feel confident or skilled enough to get the job finished. This might be a good time to hire a “ghostwriter” to do the manuscript. All the information, research, and even outline has been worked out and needs to be put into words. Successful collaboration takes a lot of time and work, with constant communication. The name of the employer will be what readers see as on the product. Letter writing and press releases are best for this pick, although longer works are certainly a possibility.