Beowulf the superhero : Study guide and analysis

He is stronger than any other mortal, an impressive sight even to strangers, feared by enemies, has moral character, and can kill unbeatable monsters with his bare hands. He is a leader among his peers unrivaled, although showing respect for those who hold authority above him. By today’s standards Beowulf could be classified among the Superheroes so popular in cinema. All he is missing is a cape and the ability to fly, but he doesn’t really need those qualities as many super-human's in comics and the big screen are without that themselves. There is no reason for him not to fit in to the sizable cast of heroic characters currently famous among children and adults.

Super humans have been around since the dawn of literature, starting with the Epic of Gilgamesh. He too was a person of immense strength who fought monsters thrown at him by the gods to battle. There was even a sidekick Enkidu, a wild man from the forest. At first the two were enemies, but because neither of them could beat the other in a fight they gained respect and friendship. They then both went on a quest as heroes. Where experimental mishaps or inventive pseudo-scientific explanations create the mythic superheroes today, anciently they were often half-gods. Gilgamesh was at least a third god, while the Greek heroes Hercules and his half brother Perseus were both the offspring of the god Zeus and a mortal woman. Of course, Hercules was known for his great strength above any mortal (and also his anger problems) while Perseus was helped by the gods and wielded magical items. At least one Greek myth, the Amazons, has Wonder Woman to carry on their story to the modern era. She stands along side Superman and Batman, two of the most recognized superhero characters in the world. Beowulf even has a distant relative Thor, a god of the Norse from Scandinavia, that has reached modern comic book hero status.

Of the modern superhero legends that exist today, Beowulf is most like Superman and Batman. He has extraordinary strength beyond any other mortal on Earth, taking on monsters without the use of weapons. He tells stories, attested to by others, of how he went in alone to a dangerous situation and his his hands killed monsters of the deep waters. He swims better, fights better, and can even protect a kingdom better than any other. His strength and personality is without rival. Yet, like Batman he is mortal and uses human technology when necessary. Although often discarding them in the poem, Beowulf wears body armor, wields a sword and shield, and puts a boar head helmet on his head for protection. His costume, then, is a typical “dark age” warrior outfit. Because of his rank and the respect given him by kings, what he has is better than normal and sometimes has almost magical qualities. They serve him well in his fights with monsters and evil men, until he is much older. A dragon appears that is many times more powerful than him or his otherwise useful war technology. His super strength and impressive abilities give way to the still mortal weaknesses against a more powerful foe. There is a “Death of Superman” feeling to his final moments.

Beowulf's origin story is told, but it remains covered in mysterious blanks. The reader has to pay attention when the little we do know of his past is mentioned. A Danish king unrelated to Beowulf is introduced at the start of the story, followed by the attacks of Grendel. The hero is introduced a short time later. All that we know about him is revealed near the end of the story after fighting the dragon. His backstory seems to be that his father Ecgtheow married the daughter of the great king Hrethel who is the father of Hygeleic that Beowulf serves as thane. Ecgtheow must have come from another land because Beowulf is mentioned as one of the two who are last of their tribe Waegmunding. Somehow, most likely through war and defeat, those among that tribe have been wiped to near extinction. Whatever land the people came from, Beowulf, like Bruce Wayne, was born into high society and took advantage of that to improve himself. The questions that remain are who is this tribe, how did they end up mixing in with the Geats, and where did Beowulf get all his powers? Was he born with super human strength? Did he train harder than any others to become what he is as a warrior? There is a lot that a reader must take for granted, but like any good story the answers don’t matter. In fact they enhance the awe for a character that cannot fully be understood.

The Danes have their own heroes, such as the king mentioned when the story begins. He is Scyld Scefing, the founder of the Scefing ruling house. The designation “He was a good king” comes from his recognized for the time fighting abilities and generosity to those who are loyal. Through war with his enemies he subdues them and forces them to give tributes. He then takes the great wealth of this booty and hands it out to those loyal to the kingdom. By today’s standards such a ruler would be considered a terrible dictator and not good. But, the time of Beowulf was harsh and all leaders were seeking advantage over the group living next to them. One of the positive character traits of Beowulf, at least of the story, was he didn’t attack unprovoked and would not murder relatives or friends for quick promotion or kingdom possession. Protecting your people and not treating them badly was the highest honor.

That seeking of honor, by way of adventure, is what helps Beowulf become the hero he was known for and continues to be remembered. It wasn’t always that way. He did have something to prove. At an early age he was considered a weakling who wouldn’t amount to much. That is another part of the backstory not fully explained. Like any superhero, his powers and abilities were not at first recognized. It might be to hide a true identity or not knowing themselves until a great challenge reveals the truth. In Beowulf’s case it can be speculated he started in the background as an observer.  Perhaps the fact he wasn’t quick to start fights, didn’t seek advantage over others, or cared much for family or court intrigue made him out to be in the eyes of others a weak person. He might have even been looked down upon at first as an outsider, even if his father married the king’s daughter. Nothing could be more classic superhero than the status of an outsider needing to prove himself. By the time we meet Beowulf and follow his adventure, he had already gained a mighty reputation. How he got that reputation as the strongest and most respected warrior in the world is not explained. That story is passed in silence. Only once was his greatness at this point challenged when a thane of the Danish court questions his winning a swimming contest. That criticism is quickly dismissed by Beowulf who explains he had to contend with sea-monsters and therefore took more time. He also states Bracca who he raced was a friend and it was a youthful indiscretion to even try the feats.

Older generations looked upon him as a great man, and not just the younger or newer generation. He was a born leader who easily gathered the best warriors around him. When he went off to defeat Grendel in the land of the Danes across the sea, the elders wished that he wouldn’t leave, but they understood why he wanted to leave and even cheered him on with good wishes. They knew it was his mission in life to defeat evil wherever it lived. His strength and courage was not a mere show to impress others or scare his enemies. The Danish lookout when first noticing the band of Geats arriving was upset by the stealthy manner of their landing. However, he was quickly won over by Beowulf who showed no signs of false appearance. This was a recognizable powerful and intelligent man of nobility. He was naturally, like any superhero when arriving on scene, demanding of respect and standing out from others.

The monsters he must fight are worthy opponents to a man of his greatness and super human abilities. Grendel is a monster of the night. He was born of murder as the son of Cain. He is described as stealthy and swift, his eyes burning with violent rage. This is more than a monster of brute force, although that certainly exists. It is an intelligent monster that knows what it is doing when tearing apart the mead-hall door and killing all inside. Behind that mind and strength is also sharp teeth and deadly claws. He could be described as the perfect killer. And his mother is no less than him in fierceness and terror, although perhaps slightly harder to defeat. Where Beowulf was able to graple Grendel naked until an arm was torn off of the beast, the mother wasn’t so easy to dispatch. She came very close to taking Beowulf out in her lair beneath the cursed lake. It was only by the grace of God, a sword seemingly left over from the time of the great flood, that he won the battle. Like the Alien movies, her blood was corrosive and melted the blade while dealing the final blow.

Sea-monsters are perhaps the most perplexing evil forces he must face. Beowulf is, after all, only human with all his greatness. He doesn’t even have the ancient luxury of having half-god ancestry. Yet, in all his water encounters it is almost like he, like Aquaman, can breath underwater. The final conflict with Grendel’s mother takes place exclusively in a water filled world of death and decay. His Danish friends worry that he will be killed by her and not drowned. But this suspension of disbelief should not be taken too literally as one of his superhero powers. The waters filled with monsters are not representative of actual lakes and seas that can drown a person who breaths air. He is diving into the deep abyss of the Biblical leviathan; the place of the damned and unquenchable sin. The creatures are found in the depths of Hell where his soul is more in danger than his body. Losing to them would bring eternal torment for both himself and those remaining behind.

The final battle with the dragon introduces a sidekick that for years had been the staple of comic book superheroes. The most famous is Robin who is a young man taken in by and accompanies the adventures of Batman, sometimes saving him if not saved by the caped crusader. In the case of Beowulf, the greatest of his young warriors are challenged by a great fire-breathing dragon wanting revenge for a stolen goblet. The not so charitable Beowulf forces the person who stole it to show him where the dragon lives. Once arriving at the treasure filled caved, all of the warriors become frightened and run into the forest. That is, all of them except one young man named Wiglaf who fights besides him in the epic battle. He probably stays behind both because this is the noble king he serves and he is related to Beowulf as the last remaining of a tribal line. Together they defeat the dragon where before it was a hopeless cause. The fire-breath had already scorched Beowulf and destroyed his weapons, specially made shield, and armor. With resolve and foolhardy courage, Wiglaf stabs the dragon in the chest to weaken it and Beowulf with a knife stabs it in the head, finishing the dragon.

As a King-warrior, Beowulf had protected his people by keeping enemies from attacking. They feared him for his great skills and strength. He would fight without a weapon, killing with his hands and ripping out their hearts. Through this fierceness and loyalty from his people, Beowulf as king of the Geats kept the peace for all of his ruling years. With Beowulf’s death and the cowardice shown his warriors, other than the young Wiglaf who had never seen battle until the dragon, the Geat’s enemies from all around would attack and destroy them. They did not honor the old and respected super human warrior, and so God would probably not protect them.

The question of Beowulf as Superhero is a mixed bag of contradictions. He is a warrior of strength greater than any other human.  He battles often without weapons both monsters and men. No one could do what he did; and all honor or fear him. Many of the adventures he took, even when given bounty and prizes, was without expectation of reward. Despite this, he was mortal like all who lived. He was boastful while claiming he could still be defeated if by the will of God and fate. He might not have character flaws for his time, but he could be cruel in the name of justice and protection. Definitely not a man of peace. Eventually he grew old and was killed by a dragon much more powerful than him. If it wasn’t for Wiglaf the sidekick the dragon would have won. Perhaps its the weaknesses of body and character that keep him out of the list of super heroes in history. He has super human qualities, but in other respects he is all too human. Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne have met their literary match.

Questions to consider:
What are the attributes of a Superhero and how does Beowulf compare?

Why do you think Beowulf continues to be overlooked in popular culture?

How do you think the perception of Beowulf from weak to the strongest human changed?

Christianity in Beowulf : Study Guide and Analysis

The formation of Beowulf is one of the great mysteries of English literature. At the heart of the problem is the pagan and Christian intermixing of ideas. There is no denial that pagan’s story and Christian sentimentality makes up the narrative. However, it is uncertain how they got to be placed together in such a coherent fashion. Some believe that a later Christian writer found the story important and added editorials. Others have concluded that a Christian convert also conversant with paganism wrote the epic using local mythology. Despite these differences, it is interesting to see how two opposing ideologies co-exist in such an intelligent epic.

When we look at the criticism of the two elements it becomes possible to understand the impact the interaction has had with readers. A select few have rejected all of the Christian elements as irrelevant to the story. “The earliest nineteenth-century readers of Beowulf, most of them northern Europeans, were involved in the Romantic search for national origins,” and accepted the Germanic pagan elements and considered the rest improvisations. King Alfred is usually accused of adding the new material (Irving Jr., 181). Despite the reasonableness of this conclusion it is hard to reconcile with the fluidity of prose. Sometimes the fusion is so evident in the duplicity of a sentence that both a pagan and Christian meaning can be invoked. This will be explored in more depth later.

With so many examples of a Christian intellect at work it is tempting to assimilate the whole as an apologists metaphor for the passing of an era. “The assertion that Beowulf is a seriously didactic Christian poem was now being restated by many scholars (see, e.g., Kaske 1968) and took several forms. An early interpretation was to identify the hero with Christ and to read the poem as an allegory,” much like St. George who slays the dragon (Irving Jr., 183). With so many obvious Christian parallels it seems possible to reconstruct the format. However, the more it is tried the less the major portions will fit neatly into an allegory. By ripping either the Christian or the pagan elements from the story to elicit specific world-views only makes a disaster out of the text.

What those divergent elements are can be just as interesting as how and why they are there in the first place. There are at least three categories to be found in the poem that can be recognized. There are the pagan elements that look mostly at the display of personal strengths and valor, and the pleasure and social status of wealth. The Christian elements have to do with the veneration of a just God and the destruction of evil in the world. The final category can’t easily be split into the other two ideals. These have pagan and Christian meanings possibly at the same time. The hero Beowulf is included in this conundrum.

Christian Parts

The most obvious Christian elements are those that have a direct relationship to Biblical events and personalities. Some things are as directly Christian as most everything else is pagan. Part of the reason some critics have argued that there were additions to the original poem is because of the seemingly few instances where non-paganism is mentioned. What is interesting is that most of the Biblical references don’t come from the New Testament, but to the earlier Jewish traditions.
Grendel is the only character who is mentioned as a Biblical prototype. Like his ancestors that form this connection, he has been banished in the earth to roam. He was one of many evil creatures who sprung up from Cain.
In misery among the banished monsters, Cain’s clan, whom the Creator had outlawed and condemned as outcast. For the killing of Abel the Eternal Lord had exacted a price . . . out of the curse of his exile there sprang ogres and elves and evil phantoms and the giants too, who strove with God time and again until He gave them their reward. (105-114)
It almost goes without saying that his mother is a direct descendant of Cain as well. This is important because she has an important part in the development of the story as a Christian metaphor.

At one point in the battle against Grendel’s mother, Beowulf discovers a large sword. On the sword are curious pictures of a Biblical nature on the hilt. It is obviously the story of the flood during Noah’s time. It was engraved all over and showed how war first came into the world and the flood destroyed the tribe of violence. They suffered a terrible severance from the Lord; the Almighty made the waters rise and drown them in the deluge for retribution. (1688-1693). This is the sword that will eventually be used to slay Grendel’s mother. It seems to be the only weapon able to handle such evil. Perhaps the poet used the idea of the flood as an ultimate weapon against the evils of the world. According to the Biblical account the only people left were the righteous. It is in this context that the sword might become both judge and jury in distributing eternal penalties. Beowulf became only the earthly form of this heavenly retribution.

The hero plays an important role in the salvation of many of his comrades, both within his own clan and outside of it. It might even be in consequence of the sins of the Geates that the terrible monster appears and devours them. It was only in time that, “the killer instinct unleashed among in-laws, the blood-lust rampant,” (84-85) would take over their doings. This blood lust could have triggered both the justice of heaven and the notice of hell. The punishment was greatest when, in the pride of their comfort, they sat at the table and celebrated with abundance.

Even though Beowulf is a symbol of Christ in many places, he is at best a “flawed” representation. The poem’s writer doesn’t intend to connect everything to Christianity, and most likely uses it as a stylistic approach. What happens with this pick and choose cultural approach is a “secular” hero of extraordinary abilities. He could be described as a Christian Hercules.

There are three monsters that Beowulf faces in order to become the valiant hero and king. The first is Grendel and his mother, who together form what might be considered the pre-resurrection enemies of Christ. It is with awesome and unrelenting horror that Grendel brings death into the world. His mother is in the bottom of a fiery lake, and Beowulf must go there in order to purge the world of her dreadful presence waiting to take revenge on any whom escaped death. When Beowulf went into the deep to overcome “hell” his followers, like Christ’s, believed he was gone forever before his return proved the final victory.
. . . watching the lake water, [seeing] a  heave-up and surge of waves and blood in the backwash. They bowed gray heads, spoke in their sage, experienced way about the good warrior, how they never again expected to see the prince returning in triumph to their king. It was clear to many that the wolf of the deep had destroyed him forever. (1592-1599).
The dragon is his last great opponent, but must be defeated differently than the other monsters. Critics often believe that the dragon represents the “serpent” Satan who is important to the book of Revelations in the Bible. The name “the evil one” given to it by Beowulf who asks it to leave its cave seems to indicate this (2514). If this is the case then it makes sense that a new approach to defeating it makes sense.
. . . now the day has come when this lord we serve needs sound men to give him their support. Let us go to him, help the leader through the hot flame and dread of the fire. As God is my witness, I would rather my body were robed in the same burning blaze as my gold-givers body than go back home bearing arms. That is unthinkable, unless we have first slain the foe and defended the life of the prince of the Weather-Geats. (2646-2656).
In the Christian theological view this is consistent with the personal nature of the battle with Satan. Christ saved all humanity from death and hell, but to defeat Satan believers must struggle together with their savior to not be overcome by the great serpent. It is during this time of struggle that “every man should act, be at hand when needed; but now, for the king, this would be the last of his many labors and triumphs in the world” (2708-2711). Unbelievers who lose faith and don’t fight are doomed to be cast away as cowards, or destroyed by the serpent they didn’t stand against.

Another role for the kingdom of Christ, and Beowulf performs this as king, is to be a peacemaker. It is during his administration that kingdoms and clans live together without trying to destroy each other. They are united under one leadership and any battles that occur are only minor and quickly put down. But, with the passing of the “good king” Beowulf the situation changes. There is a pessimism that the Swedes, “will cross our borders and attack in force when they find out that our lord is dead” (3001-3003). Each king mentioned in the poem is granted the label good or evil. Those kings who could get other nations “to yield to him and give tribute. That was one good king” (10-11). It was when kingdoms fought both friend and foe that the label of good wasn’t mentioned.

Many critics point to the disturbing ending as evidence that the poet was lamenting the pagan past from a short distance. It could be argued that the poet was lamenting the passing of both a Christian and pagan era. For the writer there seems no hope in the pagan heroic virtues that Beowulf represents. With the same idea “twelve warriors [riding] around the tomb” (3169), who could represent Christ’s apostles, mourn for his loss at the same time as extol his unmatched valor. Whatever bleak future was in the poet’s mind, it wasn’t going to be a triumph for either world-view.

works cited:

Heaney, Seamus, translator. Beowulf. By unknown, W.W. Norton & Company, 2000.

Irving Jr., Edward B. “Christian and Pagan Elements.” A Beowulf Handbook.  Ed.
Robert E. Bjork and John D. Niles. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1997. Pg. 175-192.

Beowulf Study Guide Analysis : History and Myth

Lets examine the history of Beowulf as it relates to the myth.

A good way to approach a reading of Beowulf is to recognize the two layers in its story telling. The first recognizable layer is the myth. This is where the monsters, magic, and heroic elements are put together in order to make a very exciting, if somewhat horrific, adventure. These outstanding elements cannot be more than legendary and imaginative. No creatures like Grendel and his mother existed in any possible way, and dragons at best were a strange interpretation of ancient giant fossil bones. The novelist Micheal Crichton re-imagined the story for his book “Eaters of the Dead,” that became the movie “The 13th Warrior,” as the last surviving tribe of Neanderthals attacking an early dark age fort. Another popular movie was made called “Beowulf” done in a mixture of live and animation that told the story rather faithfully. It is a classic in literature that continues to inspire since the day of the textual discovery.

The second layer is the actual history it writes about which can be very complicated because there is not a lot of sources of information to flesh out. There is enough corroborating evidence to know for certain that most of the people, places, and less magic events really did happen. When that history is studied, it becomes easier to get into the story and imagine what kind of lives the characters might have. Of course, like almost all ancient stories, it is focused on the elites and royalty of their society. Considering how mundane life can be for peasant classes, working the land unless called to fight by the Lords, it should not be surprising that has always been the focus of writers. Not to mention, the nobility and families were probably the only ones who could read and write to create an audience.

Beowulf the text was written at about 1000 AD, although the exact time of composition is in dispute. The author, like so many Old English writings, is an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet who didn’t even give the story a name. It was given the name of Beowulf by others because of his heroic position through the manuscript. The lengthy poem is part of the Nowell Codex that contains at least four other different literary works. Sadly as the one and only original copy, in 1731 the Nowell Codex was almost lost to history, but still damaged. The aptly named Ashburnham House next to the Cotten Library in England set fire and the manuscript saved by someone throwing it out the window. Edges of the manuscript, including some words, were burned to the point they can only be read with technological advancements. Currently it is located at the British Library.

The story takes place in Scandinavia between 500 and 600 AD mainly in what is now modern day Sweden and Denmark, with major events mentioned happening in France. Of course, the story is set before any of those modern countries as currently existing. The groups mentioned include the northern Swedes with the Geates below them, The Danes south across the waters and another enemy the Frisians or Franks southernmost. To the east is the Jutes and west the Wulfings. Not mentioned, despite how it has become a literary part of the cultural history, is the island nation of Britain. This has led to speculation, if not outright fact, that Germanic Anglo-Saxon transplants from those areas were trying to keep their heritage in memoriam.

How the Anglo-Saxons arrived in England is tied to the history of Rome and its downfall.  During the time of Julias Caesar in around 55 BC the future Roman ruler fought the Gauls and any other group beyond Roman territory. He extended Roman boundaries to parts of Germany, France, and other areas considered filled with wild barbarians. He also tried to cross into Britain and make that another Roman territory, but was never successful. By the time he became ruler, and ultimately was famously assassinated, Britain for the great empire was mostly a place of exploration.

As can be imagined, part of the reason it took so long for Romans to inhabit the island is how fiercely protective the native population was to keeping the land. The groups known as Pics and Celts, along with many other tribes constantly fought and raided the Roman interlopers.  They were not completely successful in pushing them back because by 43 AD permanent Roman settlements were founded. Several years later in 122 AD Emperor Hadrian ordered the start of the famous wall built by him. To this day it stands as a reminder of a chaotic and influential time in history when less advanced civilizations held back a more advanced one. Now by the time of the wall, things weren’t going smoothly for the Roman Empire. It started to lose territory to Gauls and other northern boundary enemies. Rome had slowly lost its power and riches to finance wars of expansion in the hopes of gaining more power and riches. The military filled with those they conquered, had more mercenaries, and the generals took more chances in the hopes of gaining notoriety.

What ended up happening became known as the Gothic invasion. There were at least three important invasions, with the last one finishing off the Roman Empire for good. Alaric was a Gothic king who at first simply wanted to become a Roman citizen with some importance. He was rejected and this enraged him. Instead of a peaceful relationship, it became all out war.  Waves of Goths under his direction ruined the Italian towns and cities, before arriving at the front door of Rome in 410 AD and entering. Warrior attacked, sacked, and nearly left the city for dead. By this time Christianity was well entrenched in Roman society and it might have saved Rome from complete annihilation because the churches were spared. Not so the rich or the pagan buildings. The second invasion could very much have been worse when Attila the Hun in 440 AD took power and tried to plunder the known world. He was enemies to Rome and the Goths together. In some ways he was more merciful than the Romans toward allies, but in anger he was a destroying terror. They didn’t want to be accepted by the Romans, but to claim land and take over. With a sigh of relief the Huns ended up at the doors of Rome and didn’t knock immediately. The Christian Pope Leo I negotiated a truce for a very short time, although other factors such as plague and a reduced military presence probably contributed more. He wasn’t done, however, and promised to return. That never happened and he died of a burst blood vessel in his neck. The final nail in the Western Roman Empire came when Orestes, the son of a secretary to Attila, deposed Julius Nepos and replaced him with the teenage boy Augustulus. Soon another German named Odoacer deposed the young Emperor and declared himself Ruler or King. He sent the traditional royal regalia of Western Rome to Eastern Rome (Byzantium) effectively opening up a new history.

Beowulf is part of the new history, taking place a mere 100 years after the official fall of Rome. It represents the start of what has been termed “the dark ages,” when much knowledge was lost for a time. The story can be read from the viewpoint of Europe’s transformation from pagan to Christian. The manuscript writers were Christian much like Rome had become. Missionaries and politics converted the Britons.  The Geates in the story were a powerful tribe on the southern part of Sweden. They might have been referenced by Old Norse literature as Gautor or “the people of the Goitaland,” and were described as a strong although warmongering nation. By the 10th century the Geats no longer existed and no one knows what happened. Most likely they were probably defeated and then absorbed by the northern Swedish neighbors. Both the Geats and the Anglo-Saxon writers should not be confused with the vikings, although they have some similarities. The Geats came before them and the Anglo-Saxons broke off from Scandinavia when immigrating to Briton. The vikings were doing more than plundering the neighbors. They were attacking former related tribes before they themselves became Christian and settled down.

Rothgar the Danish king might be the most prominent name in the poem, but the Geats king Hygalec is the most well known in historical records. An historian Gregory of Tours mentions a king by the name of ko-chi-lay-cus, who is most likely Hygalec, who tried in 516 AD to raid Freshia. It was very unsuccessful and Hygalec ended up killed. The Geats raiders were discovered and lost the ensuing battle. In the confusion of defeat, Geats rushed back to shore to make it home. King Hygelic’s body was found and exhibited by the Franks. Other names and events in Beowulf are attested to with independent poems, annals, and manuscripts.

Archaeological discoveries have shed light on the Beowulf history and culture. In 1939 at Sutten Hoo England, an earth mound was dug into and the imprint of a large ship was found. Nails were lined up in rows where ship planks would have been, although long since decayed. Besides finding a ship underneath the soil, it was filled with over 250 Anglo-Saxon artifacts of priceless value. Among the plunder were coins, weapons, and silver eating utensils. The most distinguished object was a decorated mask that has since become symbolic of the Beowulf character and England. Warring masks are described in the poem like what was found in the discovery.

The second archaeological discovery is of what is considered Dane King Rothgars mead-hall.  Post holes of very large buildings were uncovered in the small Danish town of Lejre of mostly Viking settlements. At least one of the buildings is of the time period that Beowulf takes place. It has also been associated both by history and legend as the home of the Scylding family dynasty.

The story of Beowulf is more than a fanciful legend. It allows the reader a look into an historical period that is not well known and nearly forgotten. At the same time history illuminates the place of Beowulf in both English and European culture.


How can legends and myth help us understand the past, or how does it conceal it?

What can Beowulf mean to a modern reader?

Does understanding the history behind the story make it more interesting or understandable?